Sorted Comfort + Design is a Virginia Beach based Interior Design and Organizing Company. We curate beautiful, timeless spaces that are both practical and livable, by combining our clean modern design aesthetic with our clients unique individual style. Our goal is to show clients how to live more efficiently, comfortably, and happily in their home through functional design and simple organization.

W  E  L  C  O  M  E
W H A T   W E   D O  
We specialize in Residential and AirBnB Design, along with Organizational services. 

                                       ▫️ Looking to refresh a space in your home? 

                                       ▫️ Looking to increase rental rates on your Investment Property or get better Guest 

                                       ▫️ Looking to get your Home, Business, or Investment Property in order?

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I N S T A G R A M :  